Al-Hikma Bookstore

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Home كتب عالم المعرفة
البريد الإلكترونى طباعة PDF

“The Best of Companions is a Book”

Al-Hikmah Bookstore is a privately owned business whose objective is to unite the Arab & Muslim Communities with their culture back home through providing them with the biggest selection of publications in the US. Our bookstore is one of the largest and richest in specialties. This includes: wide range of copies of the Glorious Koran, cultural books, Arabic as a language educational materials, dictionaries, children books, literature (Pre-Islamic, Umayyad, Abbasid, Ottoman and modern eras), history, geography, philosophy, maps, calligraphy & Islamic Designs, political, medical, science, & a large selection of posters, greeting cards for all occasions, DVDs, CDs and cassette tapes for old and modern singers and artists. We also have a video-rental department with a wide selection of movies and plays, and tape conversion to the US System. Another dept is for beautiful Middle Eastern gifts and hand-made artifacts.


Al-Hikmah Bookstore

5627 Columbia Pike. Falls Church, Va 22041

Tel: (703)820-7500 Fax: (703)820-7501

(Baileys Cross Road – Intersection of Columbia Pike & Leesburg Pike)

(Across the street from the Hess Gas Station & U- Hall)


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